Spiders are common household pests that are often found in homes across Nevada. These creatures are fascinating to watch but can be frightening if you don’t know what type of spider you’re dealing with. In this guide, we will help you identify spiders commonly found in Nevada homes. Armed with this knowledge, you can rest assured that you can differentiate between harmless spiders and venomous ones and know when it’s time for professional help with this spider identification for homeowners in Nevada.
Black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans)

A black widow spider with her big red hourglass waiting for her prey.
Black widow spiders are one of the most venomous spiders you will find in Nevada. These spiders are recognizable due to their shiny black bodies and red hourglass-shaped marks on their abdomens. They can be found in dark areas, especially in garages, sheds, and attics.
Wolf spider (Hogna spp.)

Wolf Spider – Lycosa sp.
Wolf spiders are large, hairy, and have a distinctive stripe on their body. They’re not considered dangerous, but their appearance can be intimidating. Wolf spiders can be found inside and outside the home.
Jumping spider (Phidippus spp.)

Regal jumping spider female on wooden background close up, macro photo spider.
Jumping spiders are small, furry creatures that stand out because of their unique markings. They have a distinct jumping ability, making them easy to spot. These spiders are harmless and can often be found near windows or doors.
Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia)

Argiope aurantia, black and yellow garden spider.
Yellow garden spiders are easily identifiable from their large bodies and bright yellow and black markings. These spiders are not commonly found inside homes but can be discovered in gardens or near shrubs. Despite their intimidating size, they are not venomous.
Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)

Common house spider. Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
Common house spiders are one of the most common spiders you will find in Nevada homes. They’re small and brown, with no markings on their bodies. These spiders are entirely harmless and are usually found inside homes in corners, ceiling lines, and closets.