What is Deep Root Feeding?
Deep Root Feeding provides the nutrients your plants are missing out on in order to help them be their healthiest. As landscapers design and maintain yards, they may not always consider certain things that trees need to do their best. In nature, dead leaves, branches, twigs, other plants, and miscellaneous organic material sit around the trunk of the tree or shrub. Those materials break down and provide nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium nitrate, and phosphate. In landscaped yards, those materials are often removed so that it looks cleaner. While the plants can survive without them, they may not be their healthiest since they are missing those nutrients. Deep Root Feeding provides those nutrients to the plants without sacrificing the clean, landscaped appearance.
Deep Root Feeding can also provide pesticides to the plants that will help prevent pest damage. When done correctly and with the right product, the plant will actually absorb the pesticide and store it in its leaves. That way when leafcutter ants, aphids, squash bugs, spider mites, Japanese Beetles, Flea beetles, or other insects start to eat the leaves, the pesticides stored in the leaves eliminate the harmful insects. In addition to providing nutrients to the plant, Deep Root Feeding also supports the plant with this valuable defense against pests.
Why choose Deep Root Feeding instead of topical fertilizers?
When applying a fertilizer to plants, most people use a product that they can spray around the trunk or try to soak the ground near the plant. This can work and helps some trees. Most of the time, this process requires putting more product than would normally be needed, which risks “burning” the plant by over-fertilizing. Another issue with this method is that the fertilizer runs off on the surface and does not soak into the ground where the roots are. Also, if there is grass around the base of the tree, the grass is likely to soak up most of the fertilizer, leaving none for the plant roots below.
With Deep Root Feeding, the products are injected below the roots of the grass, significantly closer the roots of the plants that are being targeted. This ensures that the plants receive the fertilizer instead of the grasses, the fertilizer actually reaches the roots, and the plants receive the precise amount of product they need.
How often should Deep Root Feeding be provided?
The frequency for Deep Root Feeding depends mostly on the types of plants that are being treated and the current health status. A tree that is struggling and in poor health would benefit from more frequent feeding, but trees that are relatively healthy already won’t need as much. Commonly, Deep Root Feeding is only required once or twice per year in order to see benefits. The service should be administered at the end of Winter or very beginning of Spring and again at the end of Summer or beginning of Fall.
Deep Root Feeding is a great option for most homeowners or business owners or managers. With so much money invested in beautiful landscapes, it only makes sense to be giving those trees and shrubs the tools they need to look their best. At Preventive Pest Control, our knowledgeable technicians will come and provide a free inspection and estimate for Deep Root Feeding at your home or commercial property!